On my dairy, the heifers are getting milked in a separate group using a GEMINI Simple box. In June 2024, I switched to the TURBO21 and was immediately impressed by how calm the Heifers were during milking. This was not always the case before. I also had to frequently remove heifers from the group and continue milking them in the milking parlour because they wouldn’t let themselves be milked by the robot. Since I started milking with the TURBO21, this has not happened even once. Additionally, the process of getting the heifers milked for the first time is now much easier. The TURBO21 fits very well into our operational concept.
As soon as it was released on the market we installed the Flostar XTREME Boumatic claw and in April 2022 TURBO 450 liner (diameter 23) on the advice of our Boumatic consultant. These helped us a lot in implementing milking speed obtaining excellent results. In the last period we have been doing very well with very few slips or air suctions just on cows with really difficult udders.
Located in the heart of Castets, France, EARL La Palue is a testament to the dedication and innovation of the Castets family. Laurent Castets, a third-generation organic cow farmer, manages a herd of 65 to 70 Holstein cows with the help of a 11 year old BouMatic milking robot. Grazing year-round on 23 hectares of meadow land, Laurent has achieved an impressive average milk yield of 26kg per cow. "Since we switched to the Magnum Turbo 21 liners, we increased our milking speed with 12% and reached an average milkflow of 3kg per minute", he states.
Two years ago, Laurent’s sister Karine joined the farm, bringing a new dimension to their operations. Together, they launched a successful line of farm-made ice cream, cream, and yogurt, supported by a newly built laboratory plant and an on-site shop. Their products have been so well-received that they are now expanding their facilities to double the production area.
Throughout these advancements, EARL La Palue has maintained excellent herd health, with very low cell counts and good teat end health scores. The success of their farm is a true reflection of their hard work, innovation, and commitment to quality.