Dairies are constantly looking for efficiencies within their organization.

BouMatic offers solutions, assisting dairies to improve efficiencies with their wash chemicals and teat dip selections. Below is chart showing, as of February, 2018, class III milk prices are holding steady at $13.42/cwt (CME Group Class III Milk Futures Quotes). This article will discuss the concentrate options for dairies to be more efficient with their CIP chemicals and Teat Dips, not to increase the milk price but to improve the dairies bottom line.

Example 1: CIP Washing

Most dairies today are using a conventional CIP detergent containing a source of alkalinity and chlorine in one container, our products like Command, Tru-Blu LCD and Maxi-Power. These are built and used for convenience of two products in one, giving the dairy the ability to use one pump for dosing. We are able to off er products with less water and higher concentrations of active ingredients, reducing the number of containers and amount of product used on farm. Products like Guard 100, Acid Guard S, Chlor 125, etc.

If a Double 12 farm is using conventional products like TruBlu LCD, Tru-Blu LCA and Chlor 125 to wash their milking system, they might be spending about $7.25 per wash (estimate based on usage and MSRP). That same farm could be set up with BouMatic Concentrates like Guard 100, Chlor 125 and Acid Guard S, washing their system for $6.08 per wash.

Over the course of one year, washing 3 times per day, could save over $1,280 per year.
Having no initial investment, using existing equipment and purchasing concentrated chemicals, we can off er savings to our dairies to improve their bottom line. Utilize the BouMatic Wash Analysis Worksheet on the Dealer Website to optimize your customers’ CIP solution.

Example 2: Teat Dip Concentrate

Every year we have more dairies utilizing concentrated teat dips and diluting to a ready to use product on farm. Technology has also advanced on the mechanical side of dispensing and blending the final products. BouMatic’s Udderblend EFC-10 and BM System X, dairies are capable of making a 1% Iodine with the fl exibility of adjusting their emollient concentration to react with the environmental conditions mother nature constantly is putting their cows through. These concentrates can be blended manually or by using the BouMatic On-Farm Blending unit, giving the dairy the ability to manage the usage rate for each shift.

A 500-cow herd, milking 3 time a day, is using Udderdine 110 as a post dip at a usage rate of 15 mls per cow, their annual usage would be approximately 2,200 gallons. With an MSRP of $422 for a 55-gallon drum of Udderdine 110, this dairy is spending approximately $17,000 per year. With the concentrate option, dairies have the ability to make their own dip on farm for a fraction of the cost. With the initial investment of a blending pump, this example dairy could make the Udderdine 110 product from EFC-10 and System X for approximately $14,700 per year.

Offering savings to your dairies can assist you with retaining your current customers and gaining new business that are currently using competitive products. For any questions regarding the use of concentrates, please contact your BouMatic Aftermarket Sales Manager or District Sale Manager.